Sunday, January 6, 2013

Assignment 3: Personal Billboards

My Personal Billboards
Writing this blog allowed me to sit down and think about who I am, what I stand for, and what I think is important. I really like that this blog gives me the opportunity to express myself and put it into words.
I chose this first image because, as cheesy as it sounds, I believe that one of the most important lessons in life is that true happiness can only be found within you. I think that many people search for happiness from places outside of themselves, through things such as material possessions, status, and popularity (these provide only temporary happiness). When a person is able to truly get in touch with their inner self, it allows them to find a calm center in which can shape how you see and interact with the outside world. This is a lesson I have been working on, and I have found that is has brought positive change to the way I perceive myself and world around me.

Every day I try to take some time to simply do nothing. It is not always as easy as it sounds. I clear my mind of all of the days worries and stresses, and simply sit and enjoy some peace of mind. I think this is one of the best gifts you can give yourself and many forget to do it. It is valuable time to recharge, and just to be.  I chose a picture of tea, because I usually have a cup of tea when I do this because of its ability to sooth the soul and aid relaxation.
Texting and driving is one of my biggest pet peeves. I absolutely hate seeing drivers next to me looking down at their phones, not paying attention to the road or being in a car with someone who chooses to text. One poor decision can lead to great consequences , and in the scheme of things, texting while driving is not worth it in the least bit. Wait until you are at a stop or at your destination. 

I believe that personal billboards are very important because it allows people to have a voice and get their messages out there. People can express their beliefs and values through things such as bumper stickers, clothing, signs, tattoos, art, etc. Everyone has their own unique likes and beliefs and no matter what those are, it is important to people have the opportunity and freedom to express them.


  1. Nice job - and I'm glad you're enjoying the process!

  2. I like that fact that you brought up, that everybody can help themselves by clearing their mind of stresses and worries. I have trouble doing that. The tea, just by itself from what I see peace and harmony. The information about how those pictures are good representation of who you. Nicely done!

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